Wednesday, September 4, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 29

30 day challenge

We're on Day 29 of this challenge. Wow! I can't believe it's almost over. I've learned so much and have been so incredibly inspired! I'm looking forward to seeing what our dear Natalie Sisson comes up with next.

This is today's prompt:

"What does your blueprint for living the dream look like to you?"

Natalie gave us these three ideas to help us along with our answers to the prompt.

- What do you want in your life beyond all certainty?
- What’s a non-negotiable you are not prepared to give up for anything else?
- What don’t you mind forsaking in return for having more of something else?

Here I concisely answer these questions, thinking back to what I've written these past 28 days of the challenge as I do so.

What do I want in my life beyond all certainty?
My family, friends, health, freedom, and happiness in what I do. I want a complete lack of debt, too!

What's a non-negotiable I'm not prepared to give up for anything else?
All of the above.

What don't I mind forsaking in return for having more of something else?
Pointless material possessions (other than the things I mentioned recently, such as my art supplies and laptop!) and my crushing self-doubt and anxiety.

You are the only person who knows the perfect blueprint to your life. No life coach, nobody can truly know this for you. So what is my blueprint for living the dream life?

Keeping healthy, positive, close to friends and fellow goddesses, and knowing freedom. Feeling free means a lot of things, not just financially. Appreciating the little things, staying in touch with nature, and always being inspired and encouraged by others. Be determined. Listen more. Stay humble.

Love and light,

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